Sunday, October 25, 2009

Here's Tom With The Weather!

After several days of non-stop video editing, I now have a new video (by far my most FX heavy - with even a bit of 3d modelling) to add to my electronic portfolio. Considering I don't get paid, I sure do spend a lot of time making these things... My friends and family spend their free time watching crap like X Factor and I'm considered somewhat weird because I don't... But honestly, how can you care about things like that when you know more than a million innocent people have been killed in Iraq since 2003? How can you care about things like that when on the one hand approximately 25,000 children starve to death every single day, and on the other you have people who are multi-trillionaires? How can you care about things like that when you know that it's been scientifically proven that the defining moment of the 21st century was a lie? How can you care about things like that when a nightmare world more evil and sinister than anything science fiction has to offer is being set up right under our noses? How can you care about things like that when there are so many great mysteries of this world, like crop circles? - Fantastically geometrically complex works of art that tend to just appear over night that they honestly us to believe was made by some prankster with a piece of wood and some rope!

... Anyway back in the five sense world (Actually there are more than five senses, things like balance and what-not are technically senses so actually we have something like twenty but whatever), I watched "Fall Of The Republic" as soon as it came out and was blown away... It should be required viewing for everyone on the planet. Alex's movies just get more and more epic, although it would have been better if he included a segment on the swine flu considering the fact that the way things are going, worldwide martial law may only be weeks away.